lighting solutions
Consultancy, design, and supply
Suppliers for UK and overseas markets
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Kellwood will facilitate your specific lighting requirements - from the "simple" supply of lights, to comprehensive site-audits, project design, manufacture, delivery, and commissioning.
KELLWOOD LIGHTING aims to be the most competitive lighting solution provider for customers requiring best practice and regulatory compliance, while minimising energy use.
we continually update and improve the products and services we offer. We have expertise in a wide range of lighting sectors for which We publish design criteria.
Your application, project, or site, and the way you use it, is probably unique. However, combining our experience in your sector, and our eagerness to learn about your requirements, allows us to quickly and efficiently find the best-value lighting solution or product for you. Our services include:
Our computer-aided, lighting design capabilities give our clients the ability to visualise the effects of installing our lights into their workspace.
Kellwood will typically design to CIBSE recommended lux levels to ensure your investment is compliant with standard practices. Our consultants can alternatively work to lux levels set by you, if your organisation has specific requirements.
We publish more detailed design criteria for a wide range of applications on individual lighting sector pages.
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