Railway Yard Design

RAILWAY YARD lighting Design

Floodlight and high mast lighting for railway yards - RAILWAY lighting design and supply

Railway Yard lux Levels

Railway Lighting Design

Railway Yard Lighting

Lighting railway yards typically requires high powered, high mast luminaires. Windage, uniformity, ingress protection, corrosion resistance, and lux levels and light spill are some of the key factors to consider to ensure the site is safe to operate on - both day and night - are economical to run, and minimise environmental impact.

Kellwood has the specialist knowledge, design expertise, and the lighting product range to support both new-build and retrofit railway yard projects. Our lighting design team can meet National Rail or third-party specifications.

Discuss your Railway Yard project

  • Freight Railway Platform Lighting Render

Lux Levels for Railway Yards

ApplicationTypical UseHorizontal
Emin (Lux)Emin/Eave (U0)
Rail YardParking of Rolling Stock10>0.25>70<50-

IMPORTANT NOTE: data is compiled from rail-specific lighting publications. However, these are recommendations only; careful consideration must go into every unique environment.

Popular Features and Accessories

Forward Throw

Forward Throw

Backspill Guard

BAckSpill Guard

Marine Grade

Marine Grade

Wireless Lighting Controls

Smart Controls

Limted LUR

Limited Upward Light


Blog Posts

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BookerBrewdogSantanderDupontGlenfiddichSparLogoplasteLogainairNHSLothian BusesWabtecWalkers
Customer Reviews Bg
  • I am delighted to have used Kellwood...

    - P. Nisbet, Wabtec Corporation

  • a project that was well planned and promptly accomplished

    - E. McHugh, Loganair

  • Where others let us down, Kellwood did not

    W. Coley, Barking Abbey School

  • ...my client is over the moon with the end results

    A. Fraser, MacLean Electrical

  • I'd certainly recommend them

    V. Richardson, Stolle Europe

  • I'm more than pleased with the guys. I'd recommend them to anyone

    G. Gray, Logoplaste

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