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Wireless Pro - Reports and data

Gain insightful data and receive automated reports by email;
aid site compliance and make money and time saving decisions based on real-world data

Lighting System Reporting Overview

In addition to monitoring the status of emergency lighting, Kellwood’s Wireless Pro system can also monitor the performance of non-emergency lighting, providing data regarding energy-consumption.

Energy Consumption

The Online Dashboard allows users to view rolling energy graphs to view periodic trends in their energy-usage. This system further allows customised reporting for grouped lighting across larger sites, or usage-data for individual lights within those groups.

Wireless Pro Energy Reporting

Usage analytics

Heatmapping utilises thermal imaging to visualise energy-intensive usage within designated lighting arrays. These can highlight energy-consumption, utilisation, or occupancy, and subsequently inform where further energy improvements could be made, in accordance with the way the area is being used.

Wireless Pro Reporting Heatmaps

Blog Posts

Our lights are used by

BookerBrewdogSantanderDupontGlenfiddichSparLogoplasteLogainairNHSLothian BusesWabtecWalkers
Customer Reviews Bg
  • I am delighted to have used Kellwood...

    - P. Nisbet, Wabtec Corporation

  • a project that was well planned and promptly accomplished

    - E. McHugh, Loganair

  • Where others let us down, Kellwood did not

    W. Coley, Barking Abbey School

  • ...my client is over the moon with the end results

    A. Fraser, MacLean Electrical

  • I'd certainly recommend them

    V. Richardson, Stolle Europe

  • I'm more than pleased with the guys. I'd recommend them to anyone

    G. Gray, Logoplaste

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