Spray booths require high lux levels and excellent lighting uniformity to help identify defects and optimise the quality of paint finish. Spray booth lighting (both the housings and the light itself) should be discrete, to mitigate unwanted reflectance in vehicle surface, yet provide contrast where necessary.
The Vanguard Series has been developed to provide a application-specific solution for non-ATEX spray booths. Suitable for hybrid spray-and-oven booths, and use during low-points in the heating cycle, fitting shapes and lengths, fitting colours, cable entries, and light distribution options provide the lighting solution required.
The team at Kellwood Lighting is here to help you find the most suitable light fitting for your project. You can enquire about the Vanguard Series Linear Spray Booth Lights via the link below. Alternatively feel free to speak to one of our Lighting Designers on +44 (0)1387 255816.